Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chapter 2: New Home, New School, New Experience.

Yesterday I made the move to the residence of my new host family. Due to this change I get the most thorough experience of Japanese culture because everything is very different than my last family. The only problem with this is that I feel like a newborn gaijin again!

I thought Takatsuki was a big city before(probably due to Mapleton being so small we only have 2 notable businesses) now I have moved to Osaka city. Which happens to be the 3rd largest city in Japan. I see now why Airi laughed when I noted how "big" Takatsuki was on my first day in Japan. I would have too.

Rather than my western bed in a western bedroom that I had become so accustomed to before I now reside in a traditional tatami room with a traditional futon to sleep on for the next two months.

After getting so very skilled at riding a bike on the terrifying Japan streets (or well, I didn't die every time I went out) now I must ride the bus to school and I am sure that will be an adventure in and of itself!

My new school is amazing, huge, beautiful, and "private". I thought I had a good handle on what Japanese schools were like and then I switched to a private one...hmmm. This isn't to say my new school is bad. No, in fact I will write a whole new post solely for its awesomeness. It is just, like everything else here, a bit different.

Thank you fate for giving me such a...thorough...Japanese experience. Hopefully I can come out of it alive, or at least sane.


  1. I think it's wonderful to try something new! How fun! You may find you like sleeping on a tatami mat. When you were little you used to love to sleep on the floor.

  2. Hi,sarah!!




  3. Wow just when you think you have it figured out you move somewhere else :) Can't wait to hear about it.

  4. まさみ!

    あたらしいがっこうは めっちゃたのしい! みんなは そごいやさしい! 
    でも、 かえるまえ 私は もういかい いっしょにあそびたいです! 
    たぶん 5くみの みんなと いっしょに あそぶ。。。

  5. What a great adventure you are having! I admire all that you are doing by going to Japan, using your language skills, making new friends, and learning so much culture. We miss you! I love your blog!
