Sunday, April 25, 2010

I made it!

The very first Japanese phrase that was directed at me since my arrival in Japan was from an adorable little old lady. It consisted of: "kawaii!...Wakai!...kawaii!" (and in all actuality, it was referring to me but I am not sure if she was talking to me or the person next to her. Probably both). This translates into: cute!...young!...cute!

When I got to my host family's house I had about 3 hours to take a breather and unpack my suitcases a bit before Airi took me to my "welcome party" which was hosted by the young women of the ward. I stumbled my way through communications the whole time. Airi actually speaks english fairly well so using our combined skills we are able to make ourselves understood and she, in turn, acts as my unofficial translator for the other girls if I don't know how to say something in Japanese. It works out.

We ate an Osakan favorite (according to Airi) called Takoyaki. The name of this tasty food is translated into: Octopus Balls.
now, I could tell you that this is simply a tasty fried ball of batter with octopus chunks and other tasty ingredients inside. but something tells me your own imagination could do a much better job filling in the blanks...


  1. Tell your host Mom that I am so grateful for their hospitality and warm welcome! That is so nice of the young women there! Wow! And the takoyaki sounds delicious! I love the pictures!!! Keep posting!

  2. Ah! My little Sarah is in Japan!!!! :') Miss you tons pretty lady! I thought about you the whole time I was at the Nihon Matsuri. I was wading through otaku but you were seeing the real thing! Hope you're having fun!

  3. I'm so glad you posted an update! It seems like you're already having fun.

  4. Woot! Octopus balls! Oh Sarah, I love this. I am so happy for you.

  5. Sarah, be sure to volunteer to help your host mom cook whenever possible so you can learn to make yummy Japanese food and teach me when you get home.

  6. Mr. Brady wanted me to say:
    "One of these things is not like the other...One of these things just isn't the same!" (In reference to your group picture with your host family.)

  7. tell Mr. Brady i said "don't miss me too much! your anxiety will return. and this time, it will be bilingual"
