Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nara Day Trip!

The day after my Japanese class came to Osaka I got to go to Nara with the two Australian exchange students and Carl. Carl, "forgot" to tell us that we didn't have to wear a uniform so Mel and Kiera wore free dress anyway assuming we could and I...well...let's just say I am a good student. I sweated through the day in my many layers of uniform.
However, it was still a blast!!! We visited two temples, my favorite one was the Todaiji Temple. This temple is apparently the biggest wooden building in the entire world! It was HUGE! Inside was the famous giant Buddha statue that many of you probably recognize. In a certain part of the temple there was a large hole in one of the posts that is apparently as big as his nostril. There is some sort of good thing that happens if you could fit through this hole but I don't know what it is. Anyway, I could have fit through it if I hadn't been wearing a skirt. *sigh* silly Carl >.<
Oh well, to be honest the nostril hole wasn't the thing I had been looking forward to believe it or not, so I wasn't too bummed. What really made my day were the famous deer parks. Nara is famous for it's "wild" deer which just roam around practically everywhere. However, these deer are far from "wild", they are so used to humans that you can pet them. There are also street vendors everywhere that sell deer treats and if you buy some of these you quickly find yourself surrounded by insistent, and extremely pushy deer. If you don't feed them quick enough they will nudge you or, rub their head on your leg, try and eat something else on your person, or, if they are real gentlemen, they will bow (needless to say the bowing ones got the most food). Since I was wearing a skirt these deer were constantly perplexed by how they couldn't rub their head on my leg without catching my skirt and almost flashing the whole park, or just getting their whole head under it. Or maybe they did realize and they are just as perverted as the wind that blows when you ride bicycles (oh jidensha... >.<). Either way I had a few close calls.

I loved Nara so much! It was absolutely beautiful and so tranquil. Although it was overrun by tourists (myself included), it was still a great experience!


  1. I LOVE The picture of the deer kissing you. :-) So cute!

  2. I know! that deer with the curly horns was SOOO cute!! he could even bow!!
