Friday, May 7, 2010

Deja Vu!

Yesterday the International Exchange Club from Mishima put on a welcome party for me after school. It was so fun! The ESS club joined us. Don't ask me what ESS stands for. I think it is "English Speaking....something" all I know is that it is the club for girls who want to practice English.
What was interesting about this party is the food though! It was Takoyaki! It felt like my first day all over again but with different people! The Takoyaki was as delicious as ever and talking to the British teacher's assistant was really fun. It is always fun to talk to Katie because we can compare 3 cultures at once! America vs the UK vs Japan.


  1. I love that! You are going to come back so international! I'm also happy you had a weekend to rejuvenate yourself.

  2. Why do you have an expression of terrified horror on your face in the first shot? Sounds like good times though.

  3. That looks like so much fun!! I'm so glad you are having a good time.

  4. because flipping that takoyaki is EXTREMELY difficult and i am very bad at it. I always ruin them so they look more like globs of mildly edible crap rather than lovely spheres of delicious.

  5. lol i was about to comment on that to lol you look like its going to eat you instead i love and we all miss you how much longer? you better have fun there course time gos faster when you have fun so do for my benefit and not yours lol jk you better be having the time of your American butt over there!!

  6. I think globs of mildly edible crap is how I would describe takoyaki no matter who prepared it. Ocotpus, Sarah, Octopus.

  7. octopus is good though! you are just crazy. you should have seen the look on my host family's face when i told them you don't like fish! it was funny

  8. Sweet biscuits it looks like you are having fun
    you are so lucky <3
