Thursday, May 20, 2010

Irony Slap In The Face!

Today I attended a meeting with my next host family and a possible school for the months of June and July. I experienced my first subway ride all alone. This was extremely nerve-wracking as I was absolutely positive I would get on the wrong train and end up who knows where!

Anyway, the meeting itself went very well. We discussed what classes I would attend and buying a school uniform and various other things. Apparently I have been accepted at that school. Wow lucky! The rules in this new school are much more strict than at Mishima. It is a private school so students cannot wear any jewelry, nor can they have a part time job, or even a boyfriend. I decided I can live with this though because it will be interesting to compare private schools to public schools.
However, it was as we left that the surprise came. Michiru (my future host sister) turned to me and said, "So, I didn't know this before but apparently Takii High School is an all girls school."

The exchange program I applied for was for an all girls school but I got rejected and so I looked on the bright side with "well, maybe at least I can attend a co-ed school!" and I have enjoyed my co-ed experience. Now as Michiru pointed this out it was so funny to me that even though I got rejected from the exchange program before, the new "home-made" exchange program is starting to look scarily similar to what I would have experienced...huh.


  1. Congratulations! You were accepted! I'm so happy for you. You are doing wonderfully well.

  2. Time is going fast, isn't it? I think I told you that I am scrapbooking your blog. I'm glad everything is going well for you.

  3. hahah really? and yeah, time just slips away!
